Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Shenzhen Library

About a week and a half ago I went to Shenzhen’s main library which is located in the central (cultural) part of the city. It’s near a shopping mall, park, museum, concert hall, and cinema among other things; all of which I have blogged about before. I had stopped in the library previously for about a minute just to see where it was but I had never explored it. It’s very large, enjoyable, and modern with multiple levels.

There are over 4 million volumes of books, journals, papers, etc. I didn’t borrow any books or anything as I prefer not to pay for a card. They also have computer/internet labs that you can use but I don’t know what the protocol is to use them (everything is in Chinese). I just walked around and at one point tried to take a photo but a security guard stopped me and told me photos were not allowed, but as you can see, I was still able to snap a few mischievously. 
I headed to the English area as being in Communist China; I was interested in viewing what they had. To my surprise, they had a lot of books on many, many topics. You can read books about U.S. Presidents, capitalism, literature, theory, sports, music, art, etc. Before coming to China, I had lived in New Mexico the previous five plus years and much to my surprise, I could not believe they had a book on New Mexico baseball. Talk about a small world. The library is very nice and just like so many places in China, very crowded.

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