Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sport Day

This past Friday I didn’t have teaching responsibilities/classes due to the students having Sport Day, which I think I called Field Day back in the States when I was in school.  Of course I was not informed of this until that morning so I arrived thinking I was going to teach.  Basically it’s an all-day event where students/classes perform various sports activities.  It was pretty nippy that morning, probably the first morning where I needed a jacket since I’ve been in China.  I stayed probably for an hour and a half watching their opening ceremony and the beginning of some of the sports activities before leaving.  Everything is in Chinese, so I’m not sure what was being said as they did have a PA system going.  The below pics are from the opening ceremonies and does not show all the students/classes that participated.  After watching this, I left for my apartment and went to a museum to spend the rest of the day which I’ll post shortly…


  1. cool- love the athletic outfits- must be like a field day. would not be surprised if the incorporate some army drill exercises into their programs which has been alluded to in the past in media fyi- do they have regular gym classes at school or recess in your school?

  2. they do have regular gym classes spread throughout the day. usually a class or two goes out at a time. not all of them together, which i think was how it was when i attended primary school.

  3. This is Duke. Greg, I see from the pictures that the field has many tennis courts. I believe that it wasn't that long ago that China didn't allow tennis as they thought it to be too capitalistic or something. Now, it won't be long before China dominates in tennis.

  4. Ah!!! Field Day!! Good times:) Except when it was cold out. Always nice to get a surprise day off.
