Friday, February 10, 2012

The Grand Palace

On the morning of the 17th, I took the express boat to The Grand Palace in Bangkok. The Grand Palace is located across from the Chao Phraya River in the heart of Bangkok. The palace has been the official residence of the Kings of Siam (and later Thailand) since 1782. Several royal ceremonies and state functions are held within the walls of the palace every year. The complex was established in 1782 and it consists of not only the royal residence and throne halls, but also a number of government offices as well as the renowned Temple of the Emerald Buddha. It also contains pavilions, lawns, gardens, & courtyards. It’s a huge complex surrounded by 4 walls. The Grand Palace is currently partially open to the public as a museum as it remains a working palace as several royal offices are still situated inside. The palace is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Thailand.

The Palace was amazing and just so different than what I have been seeing in China. The architecture could not be more different. I only spent a couple hours here as I wanted to see other places during the day but it was fabulous. Everything was so clean and manicured. It was really stunning and you could have spent all day here probably.


  1. How beautiful! I love picture #8! Those statues are so cool looking!

  2. first of all the main blog pic looks like something in angor wat? cambodia? just unreal.................for the the other pics....just wonderful. love the elephant pics. i know Thailand arch is very different. would love to see this emerald buddha. the far east is just amazying. you are lucky to have been able to see this. this is the kind of thing in any country...these national treasures that I grieve when i think of war or marauders could take down. How great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!to have been there............

  3. rogee here just testing out dukes options on the right side of screen. he will comment later...............

  4. This is Duke. Absolutely beautiful, and all looks well maintained. Love how the trees are pruned.

    1. love the trees too...they were so cool. i have another pic of a groundskeeper pruning the top of one of the large trees and he's on a bamboo ladder that is leaning against the tree; pretty cool

  5. This is Duke. Greg, are these buildings gold plated, as it looks? It's all beautiful, whatever it is.

  6. the pic on the main page is not angor wat; at least I don't think so. not sure regarding the gold plating; i'd be surprised if they were but I thought the same thing...
