Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wang Lang Market

After visiting Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall, my last stop of the day before going back to the hotel to shower up and go out for dinner and hang out for the night at Khao San Road was to go to Wang Lang Market. I took the express boat back down the river to Wang Lang pier. I walked around a little bit. The market has vendors selling food, clothing, shoes, souvenirs, accessories, second hand goods, etc. There are vendors down little alleys as well as the streets and you can get lost easily. It was pretty crowded too. As you can see, if the food doesn’t please you, you can go Western and go to Dunkin’ Donuts.

After walking around a bit, I found this little restaurant on a second floor where I ordered a Singha and just relaxed and watched the action on the river.

I then took the express boat back to the area of my hotel. It was a long day; I saw The Grand Palace, Wat Arun, Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall, & Wang Lang Market. Tomorrow I would travel to the Indian neighborhood.


  1. like the elephant on the header blog now. boy you had a busy day that day when you sat down and had a drink. lots of traveling. hope you ate well. must keep up the energy.

  2. the dunkin d. kills me. search west and nw bradenton and zero dd. at least out east dd are here.................

  3. Well I did post a few days ago to some of your topics but I don't know what happened to them! For example I felt bad for your friend and the bad monkey who bit her! And for the other girl who's Dad had a heart attack. I hope his is ok. I also said I had liked one of the statues. Don't know what happened...I'll have to repost.

  4. No Chang for you! Looks so nice. Are you eating any of the fruit there?

  5. sorry about the posts not showing up...no regarding the fruit tho i prob should have...

  6. love mom and kitten stone statuary now on the header blog
