Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Coco Park

The below pics are of Coco Park in the central business district of Shenzhen.  It’s about 45 minutes from my apartment.  Lots of expats and college kids hang out here.  One of the few places with lots of centralized western amenities and bars.  It’s a modern shopping complex right near a subway station.  It’s built partially above as well as below ground with a large open area in the center.  You can shop for clothes, stay at a hotel, go to the supermarket or go to the bars among other things.  There is a fairly good Indian restaurant here and the bar area gets crowded on weekends.  I have not been here a lot but the last time I went they had 2 for 1 beers for happy hour which was not bad.  Beers/drinks are expensive in China at western bars so 2 for 1 is not bad.  If I recall, I got Carlsberg, which I think was the cheapest draft they had.  Just like the States, I prefer my beer via draft if at all possible.

1 comment:

  1. Wow lots of western bars. Love the Irish one. Could probably get some British food in there and get a good glass of Guiness on tap which I love if the lines are clean and aerated. One of them will fill me up and you know I am not much of a beer drinker. We met an Irish bartender once in no. NH who trained at Guiness so he told us the secret to getting a fresh Guiness brew on tap. Two for one specials is a great deal. Normally here I dont like that deal since my 2 rum and cokes come at once and get warm but i am getting wise. I say no ice and ask for ice on the side. Then add the ice to each drink to keep it cold and fresh without it being watered down and crappy. Hardly can believe how cosmopolitan China is. It is great.................
