Thursday, October 13, 2011

Another Homemade Dish

Below is a single picture of a dish I made recently.  Not the best pic as I forgot to take pics as I was making it so this pic is just a shot of the leftovers that I scooped onto the plate.  A little more sauce than I wanted but very good nonetheless.  I used Thai Glutinous rice (sticky rice).  It's hard to see the rice as it's mixed with the spicy bean curd seasoning/sauce I used.  This is a really spicy dish.  My lips were very hot after eating this.  I simmered the rice on the stove stop first and then stir-fried the rice with the seasoning, broccoli, tofu (the squares in the dish), and rice cakes (the white rectangles in the dish).  I also added garlic, sugar, soy oil, water, & black pepper.  Very good.

1 comment:

  1. Now although I think I would really enjoy this dish this sauce would have to be WAY WATERED DOWN for me. It is too thick and would make me nauseous. OH yeah. Looks like a huge portion. I wonder if the sauce is a red pepper like black bean sauce which is Shezhuen but I know your sauce is not or it would be black.Rogee is so disorganized. Bought a bottle of chili garlic sauce- 8 oz imported from VietNam. Have not tried it yet since I cannot find the recipe. Lots of chili pepper seeds in this red based sauce. Got it at the supermarket. This is gonna be HOT!
