Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New Friend(s)

I bought a little fish bowl and 2 fish to keep me company about two weeks ago.  The two fish, bowl, rocks, food, & net cost me around 9 kuai (~$1.40).  Sadly, one of them already died a few days ago.  I was changing some of the water (you have too as there is no filtration) and adding new bottled water but I guess he didn't adjust/adopt well.  I noticed he was swimming strange one night and I knew he wouldn't make it till morning.  I was right.  But if something happens to this one, a betta will be next...


  1. how nice. what are their names? I see two in the pic.Like the color of the gravel. Too bad one died. Why a beta fish? You will become attached when you leave and have to give to a neighbor or student/teacher--

  2. Be careful! Two betta fish stole my heart and died on me :( Their names were fishly and finly.)
