Monday, October 10, 2011

My Neighborhood Part II

Attached are some more pics of my surrounding neighborhood where I live.

There is a nice park on the other/left side of this main street.  This street is where I take a bus to the city’s Metro (subway).  I really like the red lanterns hanging from the streetlamps.

You have to walk across this bridge and up the stairs through this little mountain/hill to get to the park.  The park is located on the other side of the trees.  This is also the way I walk when I want to go the Metro store.  The Metro store is a lot like Costco, a membership store that sells in bulk.  I have a membership through my school.  They sell a lot of good items and I can get many Western items there too.

This pic is just a picture of the canal that you have to cross over to get to the park.

This next pic is a view facing the other way, towards my apartment area.  I’m standing on the steps of one of the pics above.  Those large white/gray buildings in the background is my apartment area.

The next pics are of the park area.  People run here, hang out, fly kites, play soccer, etc.


  1. This is Duke. Greg, I'm surprised to see from the pics that there aren't many - if any - people in the parks. Is that normal? Also, very pretty.

  2. love the yin/yang symbol. so hard to attain this balance. do you see anyone in the park practicing tai chi? are there any gators or crocs in the water? looks like a clear day. the lanterns are cool.
