Monday, October 10, 2011

Cucumber Salad

This is just a little dish I cooked up at home. Almost all Chinese restaurants here in China have cucumber salads that you can order and that you eat with your chopsticks. They’re usually thinly sliced cucumbers in a sauce or marinade. They’re always delicious. I tried to mimic the dish it at home by trying to find a recipe online. It came out really good, though I may add additional ingredients next time.

I bought the cuke and sliced it up. For the marinade, I used sesame oil, soy sauce, white rice vinegar, garlic, onion powder, black pepper, salt, sugar, & some water. I mixed it all together and let it marinate for about 15 minutes before eating it.

1 comment:

  1. looks great. many cultures use a cuke salad. I have some in my recipe boxes. One is from a Russian Jewish girl and one from an Iranian lady. Cukes are so good. Bought one today. 69cents. rip off................................
